Mangalorean Recipes

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
8 Teacup Rice, Boiled (ukda chawal) Ukda chaval
15 units Alu Leaves with brown stems, to be removed.
10 Nos Chillies Red Dry dry
1 Inch Turmeric/Haldi  
A Little Salt to taste


1.   Wash the rice well, and soak it for 2 hours.
2.   Pick the leaves.   Remove the stems, which can be used for other recipes.   After washing the leaves, cut them into small bits, by  rolling them, and cutting them into small lengths.
3.   Grind the soaked rice, with chillies and turmeric, to a fine dough.
4.   Mix the cut leaves, with the dough and blend thoroughly.
5 .  Fill water in the thondor, reaching below the center plate.   On the center plate, spread a muslin cloth or a clean banana leaf, and spread the dough on it.   Start steaming the dough in the thondor, and when it is done, (when a fork is pierced in the cake, no batter should stick to it), put the stove off.
Note: Instead of banana leaf, you can use almond leaf.  Dough can be rolled in the leaf to form elongated cakes.

5.  Pour sufficient water in the lower basin of the Tondor, so that it will be able to boil without evaporating for an hour or so.  

6.  Spread a cloth, or banana leaf  on the middle tray of the Tondor, and spread the dough on it.   Or place the dough in a round vessel, about 1 or 2 inch high, preferably of aluminum, and spread the dough in it, and place it on the inner tray of the Tondor.

7. Start the stove, and let the water boil, and steam the dough.

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