Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Dips Taheeni - Lebanese Cocktail Dip

Taheeni - Lebanese Cocktail Dip

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1 Medium Brinjals - black shiny Cooked
1 Pods (whole) Garlic  
3 Tablespoon Lime Juice  
3 Tablespoon Olive Oil  
2 Tablespoon Parsley finely chopped
1 Teaspoon Salt  


Cook the brinjal in water, or on an open flame, and peel the skin, and remove the pulp. Put the pulp in a blender, with lime juice, olive oil, garlic and salt.   Blend at high speed for one minute. until it is creamy.   Stop the blender, and loosen the pulp if needed.  Add 2 tablespoons each  pf Tahina and Hammos and blend again and make a smooth mixture.  Add a little olive oil if necessary.  Taste and add salt and lime juice if needed.    Serve in a serving bowl..

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