Mangalorean Recipes

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Popular American Artists

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In the early forties to fifties,  India had gone from the British Raj to the Indian Republic while Ceylon put up Voice of America and had a propgram of People's Choice when people of my age group grew hearing these artists, and I wish to present to those a glimpse of their past to revive the old memories.


Mario Lanza
Bing Crosby
Frank Sinatra
Perry Como
Harry Belafonte
Nat KIng Cole
Connie Francis
Marie Osmond
Johnny Mathis
Dean Martin
Kenny Rogers  1
Kenny Roger    2
Marty  Robbins
Hank  Williams
Best of Country Music
Beft Kemfret
Jim Reeves
Jim Reeves 2
Andrea Bochelli
Luciano  Pavarotti
Ignatio Iglezias
Enrique Iglesisias
John Denver
Simon and Garfukel
Burl Ives Playlos
old irish songs
Great Songs from Old Ireland
Relaxing Music
Peaceful Music


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