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Home Database Study Introduction to Database Reasons for Studying Database

Reasons for Studying Database

In the early development of the Computer, it was used for military purposes, and languages suitable for warfare were developed like Algol, and FORTRAN

After the war, the technology appeared to be redundant, but some smart people tried to use it for Commerce.  All military sciences, like Propaganda, Administration, etc got commercial garbs.  Advertising Agencies came up with the idea of using Propaganda techniques to win over people to purchase specific goods.   Media also tried the same, to win over readers and viewers.     Business Schools, started using the Military Management, of command, in their Business Management Schools, and coined new phrases, as Executives, CEOs etc to replace the old Manager, Sales Manger etc.    Titles flew rght and left, and we got Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors etc, etc.

 Previous methods of accounting, and inventory keeping were considered old fashioned.   The double entry manual book keeping and the "Kardex" manual inventory keeping  were replaced by Computers, and user friendly languages were created, one of them being COBOL.     Bill Gates came with a simpler language, called BASIC.   The era of main frame computers was eclipsed with the inventions of transistors, diodes, etc, which were a spin off from the NASA technologies.   We got our first Home Computer, and the Personal Computer,  Main frames were replaced by Mini Frames.  The CPU capacities gradually climbed from 48K  to 512K and now to GB !

Any one who has lived through the seventies will have witnessed this, and the transformation has been at a lightening speed.    Today young kids are being familiarized with the computer technology.   An old man like me, can learn computer at the age of 76, then why not young people?   Why should they shy away from technology, and be satisfied being operators of the technology and not the innovators?

I am a strong believer in the possibilities, and of making them available to those who can make a difference.   There is a section of people who feel bad to make Bill Gates richer, and opt for GNU software.  It is fine, when the costs are exorbitant.   But if one sees the pros and cons, one would choose from the software available.  For  example I still use the MS Access 2000  even though the latest version may be far advanced.  I take what suits my budget, and my requirements of information and for that even this old fashioned software is fine.

Why then there are so few takers for the Access software?   Most people when I ask, say, they use MS Word and MS Excel.     Both these are not suitable for Data Base management.  Yet because people do not understand the use of the software, and because it appears difficult, they keep away from it.

MS Word is a straight forward Word Processor good for writing letters.

Excel is good for creating one dimensional spread sheets, to prepare reports like Balance Sheet and other accounting details.

But for work, which requires the keeping of REGISTERS, like Baptismal, Marriage, Deaths etc, one can not use the previous software, as it can not be linked to different registers having common fields.

For example the same person can appear in Birth register, then come in Confirmation Register, then in Marriage Register and finally in Death register.   One does not need to repeat the details of the person in every register, but link the different  registers with the person's details from the Person Register.   This is possible only in a Database Management software.

Mostly business offices need this management.  But an individual worker, may not get the necessary support from the Office software, so he can create his own on his lap top, and help himself with his data, and then enter the relevant information into the Business computer.   The Housewife too can use it to manage her household information.

I created my recipes database with the help of this software, and I have been able to give you all this information - single-handedly, - at this age.   You should be able to do much more.

Some of you are bright and you can climb up in life, if you make use of your talents, and ultimately help yourselves and your families.

Take simple projects and tinker with the software and it will dawn on you that is is not that difficult.  As time goes, you will discover the uses of different parts of the software, like property windows etc.   If you do not understand at the first time,  save the page on your computer and study at your own pace.

Good luck to you.




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