Mangalorean Recipes

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Tandoori Roti

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50GrammesBaking Powder 
OneKilogramFlour, Maida - (American Pillsbury) 
15GrammesKalonji - Nigella or Onion SeedsWild onion seeds
ALittleSaltFor taste
1/2TablespoonSugarto mix with eggs


Add sugar and milk little by little, to the beaten eggs, as you beat them briskly.

Sieve the flour, salt, and baking powder together.

Mix the curds and a little milk in melted butter till they are blended well.  Add the flour and the beaten egg, kneading  the dough until it  turns very smooth.

Cover and set aside for half an hour. Then divide the dough into lemon sized  balls and shape each ball into an oblong-shaped flat bread called "Roti"

Apply melted butter or Ghee (clarified butter) on both sides of the Roti and smear one side of the Roti with onion seeds and then bake it in a Tandoori oven.

Alternately try cooking them on live coals of a bar-b-cue grid,  cooking them on both sides till the turn crisp.

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