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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Vegetable Dishes "Almi" - Mushroom Dish -

"Almi" - Mushroom Dish -

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
10-12 Nos. Mushrooms button mushrooms (medium)
100 Grams Green Peas (Matar)  
1 Large Onion  
1 Medium Tomatoes  
4 Tablespoon Coconut - Grated /Desiccated Preferred fresh
2-3 Teaspoon Cooking Oil  
3 Tablespoon Coriander(Dhania) FOR MASALA
2 Nos. Chillies Red Dry FOR MASALA
1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric Powder FOR MASALA
2 Nos. Cloves (Lavang) FOR MASALA
5-6 Nos. Pepper Corns FOR MASALA
2 Nos. Cloves (Lavang) FOR MASALA
1/2 - 1 Nos. Star Anise (Chakra Phool) FOR MASALA
1 Piece Cinnamon (Dalchini) FOR MASALA
1 Teaspoon Fennel -(Saunf, Badi Shep) FOR MASALA


Slice onions and tomatoes length wise.  Chop mushrooms into small pieces. If frozen thaw the peas.  Frozen peas can thaw faster, if they are kept in hot water.

For the ground masala:
Heat a tea spoon of oil in a pan and add in the
 masala ingredients frying them for three to four minutes  on medium heat. Stir in
 between. Remove on a plate. It is a useful practice to add
badishep whenever  onion is added in the masala. A nice aroma is obtained by adding star anise to the dish.  Add little more oil and fry tomato and 1/4th
 onion. Fry till the onion is cooked. Remove on the masala and keep aside.

Now put in the coconut and fry for a minute  till it gets a light brown tinge. Frying coconut also gives a nice aroma. Make sure that none of the ingredients are burnt.

Put the masala ingredients, fried onion-tomato and coconut in a blender. Add a little water and grind till a fine consistency is reached.

To make the "tonaak":
Heat 2 tea spn oil in the pan, add the remaining onion and fry for a few mins. Now add in the peas and mushroom pieces. Fry for 2-3 mins. Add in the masala paste and a liitle water. (Do not add too much water, as it will make the dish watery.) Cover and cookl for 10 mins on medium flame.

Serve with white rice or chapatis or just bread :-)

Generally in Goa, tonaak is eaten with Goan


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