Mangalorean Recipes

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Carrot Halwa

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1TablespoonAlmondsor pistachios chopped
HalfTeaspoonCardamom Powder 
500GrammesCarrotspeeled and grated
HalfTeacupMawa (Khoya)or milk powder


Mix carrot and milk in a deep microwave proof bowl - Leave enough space in the bowl so that the liquid does not overflow when boiling. Bake on high temperature for 8 minutes. Stand it in the oven for 5 minutes then remove and stir well, add khoya or milk powder and sugar and stir again. Again, put it in the Microwave Oven on high for 8 minutes followed by standing it in the oven for 3 minutes. Remove and add ghee, cardamom powder and mix well. Again put it back in the oven on high for 2 minutes. 

Garnish with chopped nuts.

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