Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Catholic Church Music Advent/Christmas Music
Advent/Christmas - Music
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# Article Title Author Hits
1 CHRISTMAS CAROL MASS Rudy Martin, Kolkatta 5641
2 Adeste Fideles -Come all ye faithful W.J.Pais 5933
3 Angels We have Heard W.J.Pais 5224
4 Away In A Manger W.J.Pais 6127
5 Christmas Carols Medley W.J.Pais 5461
6 Christmas Mass W.J.Pais 4880
7 Come Thou Redeemer W.J.Pais 4614
8 Come, Come to the Manger W.J.Pais 4724
9 Every Valley W.J.Pais 5216
10 Go Tell it on the Mountain W.J.Pais 4575
11 Hark the Herald Angels Sing W.J.Pais 4833
12 Honor Thy Father - The Holy Family W.J.Pais 5302
13 It Came Upon W.J.Pais 4464
14 Joy to the World W.J.Pais 4543
15 Mass of the Holy Family Complete Walter Pais 5419
16 Now Master, let your servant go W.J.Pais 4500
17 Silent Night W.J.Pais 4409
18 The Snow lay on the ground W.J.Pais 4597

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