Mangalorean Recipes

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Banana Flavored Milk Drink 1 Beena 5070
2 Banana Flavored Milk Drink 2 Beena 5874
3 Banana Yogurt Shake Beena 5121
4 Butter and Butter Milk Nina G.K. 4827
5 Butter Milk - simplified Friends' Contribution 5072
6 Buttermilk - spicy Mother's Touch 5305
7 Coriander Tea V.J.Pais 5266
8 Egg Fillip Christine 6609
9 Egg Flip with Milk Christine 5999
10 Falooda Our Famiily 7979
11 Fennel Tea Mother's Touch 4846
12 Ginger and Lime Juice Mother's Touch 4998
13 Green Mango Sherbet Mother's Touch 4832
14 Jamoon and Tender Coconut Water Mother's Touch 4775
15 Jeera Tea Friends' Contribution 6452
16 Jeera Tea 2 Friends' Contribution 5585
17 Lassi Our Famiily 4564
18 Lemon Sherbet Our Famiily 4703
19 Mango Sorbet Friends' Contribution 3182
20 Masala Milk Plain Friends' Contribution 4876
21 Ripe Guava Drink Mother's Touch 4382



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