Sanna - Rice Bread

Christmas Recipes - Breads & Rice Preparations


Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
4 Teacup Rice, Boiled (ukda chawal) Soak the each rice separately
2 Teacup Rice, Raw Soak the each rice separately
2 Teacup Dhal, Urid (white) grind. Fermentation varies with ambient temperature


Soak the each rice separately, overnight (four hours or longer), Grind each rice separately and coarsely, Separately, grind the urid dhal to a fine paste, Mix all, very well together, and add salt to taste.  Leave for eight hours or overnight, for fermentation.  Take care and see that the batter does not spill from the vessel, as it rises.

Fill the greased vatis or ginlans (small pans) with the batter, and steam in a thondor*, for about ten to fifteen minutes.  When done, remove it and keep it to cool.  You can cool it in a tray of cold water, or place a damp cloth on the upside down containers, kept on the table.  The Sannas, should then be priced out of the containers, and kept on a wicker basket, lined with a muslin cloth, for cool off.

*A "Thondor" is a steaming vessel, used in Mangalore.

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