Mangalorean Recipes

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Stay Awake

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Stay awake, the Master is coming
Be not asleep, for all may be lost
Stand ready. the Son of Man is coming
At a time, we may least expect.

1. Prepare the way, and clear the bye-lanes
For our Lord and Master yet to come
With open minds, and grateful hearts
Let's now repent our sinful past...(chorus)

2. The Master's work proclaim his glory
He has given sight to the blind,
The deafened ears have been unsealed
The lame have leapt and sung for joy.....(chorus)
3. "Forgive", he says, "all those who hurt you
Love instead as God's good children should
Don't be their judge, lest you be judged
As God alone can judge us all."...(chorus)

4. Let's love them all who are around us
Most of all the poorest of the poor
By this we'll bring a ray of hope
And joy into their saddened hearts....(chorus)

To download this music click on the word download, with right mouse click, and choose in IE "Save Target As"  In Foxpro use "Save Link As" and store the MlDI file in a folder and play it on the System device


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