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Home MANGRECS WEBLOGS bzaveri How-To: Printing with GIMP using Tile options i.e., passport like photos

How-To: Printing with GIMP using Tile options i.e., passport like photos

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GIMP Image Editor 2.4.6

  • Download the tile-photos plugin from
  • Follow the instructions to download the file. Please note that directory to copy the file may depend on the environment you are running GIMP on. Best way to find out: Go to File -> Preferences on the main GIMP tool box or Edit -> Preferences on the New Gimp Image Window. Scroll to the bottom and look for Folders. You should see where GIMP stores it plug-ins here. Copy the file into this directory. Remember to chmod the file a+x
  • You can refresh see the tile-photos option on Xtns -> Script-Fu menu option on the GIMP toolbox
  • Follow the remaining instructions on the first bullet point
  • Oh yeah and if you want borders on GIMP, it's pretty simple. Go to Filters -> Decor -> Add Border
GIMP Rocks

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