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Home Glossary Plant Derivatives Tamarind - Imli - Tamar Hendi (arabic)

Tamarind - Imli - Tamar Hendi (arabic)

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Imli. Also called as Indian Dates because the fruits (large bean shaped pods) on ripening look like dates. It has a sour, fruity taste and adds a refreshing distinctive taste to the dish. Tamarind pulp is used in curries and chutneys. It has a cooling thirst quenching property and when combined with sugar and other spices, it makes a delightful cooling drink.

The fruit pulp is edible and popular. It is used as a spice in both Asian and Latin American cuisines, and is also an important ingredient in Worcestershire sauce and HP sauce. The pulp of a young fruit is very sour and acidic and is most often used as a component of savory dishes. The ripened fruit is sweeter and can be used in desserts and drinks, or as a snack.

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