Mangalorean Recipes

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Family Tree Database

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Family History is a thing we seek, when those who can tell us, have left us and gone.  Why not start building it from the memories you already have, and keep them ready when your own chidren will want them.

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Make your Family Tree - for graphic instructions  see Family Tree Graphic Instructions.

An easy to use Data Base file, which will run on MS Access of MS Office Package of 2000 and above.

Includes a Help File with instructions to use.

To learn about the features, you may download the Help File by clicking here


To download this file please send an email to me.

For additional help, please write to me.   Click Here

Please inform me what additional information is required.  Please quote "Family Tree Program"


To learn more on how you can use the Microsoft Access to make your own programs, please go to my Database Section.


Walter Pais



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