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Home Glossary Plant Derivatives Taikulo - Cassia Tora

Taikulo - Cassia Tora

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It grows wild in most of the tropics and is considered a weed in many places; its native range is not well known but probably South Asia

In Konkani we call it Taikulo.   In Marati it is Takala.   

Its leaves, seeds, and root are used in folk medicine, primarily in Asia. It is believed to possess a laxative effect, as well as to be beneficial for the eyes. As a folk remedy, the seeds are often roasted, then boiled in water to produce a tea. The plant's seeds are a commercial source of cassia gum, a food additive usually used as a thickener and named for the Chinese Senna's former placement in the genus Cassia. Roasted and ground, the seeds have also been used as a substitute for coffee. In traditional Korean medicine,

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