Mangalorean Recipes

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Chicken Chilly Fried

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1TeaspoonAam-Churn (sour mango powder)Mix with meat and fry
200GrammesChickenCut meat in thin strips
4NosChillies, GreenFry in oil
4NosChillies, Red DryFry in oil
4TablespoonCooking OilFor frying
50GrammesCoriander Leaves (Kothmeer)Cleaned, chopped, for garnishing
1TeaspoonGaram-MasalaMix with meat and fry
1TeaspoonGinger Garlic PasteFry in oil
2MediumOnionsMince finely
2MediumTomatoesChopped, Fry in oil


Cut the Chicken meat in thin long strips. Wash and keep aside.

Mince the onions, and keep aside for frying. Chop the coriander leaves finely and keep aside.

In a sauce pan, put the ghee and heat it. When it is hot, put the whole green chillies without the stems and fry them till they change the colour to light green and remove them for garnishing to be done last.. In the same way, take the long variety of dry red chillies, and remove the stems, and fry them till they lose their colour and like the red chillies, remove them. 

Then put the chopped onions in the frying pan and fry them till they become brown. Put the garlic paste now, and fry and note, the oil will splutter, as there is moisture in the paste. Till the spluttering stops, continue frying. Put the slit meat in the pan, and stir and fry, for about fifteen minutes, or until they are fully fired to your taste. At the end of fifteen minutes, put chopped tomatoes, and Aam-churn, Garam masala and continue to fry.

When the meat is finally fried take the contents of the frying pan to a serving dish, and sprinkle over it, the chopped coriander leaves, and decorate it with the red and green fried chillies.

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