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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Sweets Chikki - Peanut Toffee

Chikki - Peanut Toffee

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
Two Teacup Pea Nuts (Ground Nuts) Crushed and Lightly roasted
Two Teacup Sugar, Table To make light brown syrup
One Teaspoon Cardamom Powder Mix
Two Tablespoon Cooking Oil For greazing knives, palms etc


Crush the peanuts slightly after removing their husks.   Use oil to grease knives, spatulas, rolling pin stone work surface and rolling pin.  Keep some oil aside to grease palms.   

Put the sugar in a pan and heat, while stirring continuously till it turns into a lightly brown syrup and the sugar has fully melted.   Do not allow it to burn. Remove from fire.   

Add crushed peanuts, and cardamom and mix well.  

 Pour onto work surface and knead with both knives.   When slightly cool knead with greased palms.  Roll with rolling-pin to flatten evenly, to 1/2" thickness.   

Mark out into 1" square pieces by denting the surface with a knife.   

Break after fully set and cooled.   Store in airtight container putting sheets of butter paper between each layer.

Note: Take care while handling the hot sugar, or you may scald yourself.


You may use dry fruit like almonds, pista, cashew instead of peanuts.    You may crush the nuts finer if you like, then use 1 1/4 cup instead of one, to one cup of sugar.    Making time: 15 minutes
Makes: 12 squares (approx.)
Shelf life: 8-10 days

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