Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Catholic Church Music Masses The Two Shall be One Flesh

The Two Shall be One Flesh

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The Two Shall be One Flesh

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Section of the Score.

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Music composed by Walter J. Pais

for 4 unequal voices.

Get the Music Score

And Jesus said:

have you not read that from the beginning,

the Creator made them male and female -

and for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother

and be joined to his wife

and the two shall be one flesh

so that they are no longer two but one flesh.

Therefore what God has joined

let no human being must separate.



In case you wish to download the score,

you have to get a Finale notation software free from their website

Download the music Score by clicking on the Title and the file will open in your downloaded software.


To download the MIDI file you heard


Listen to the music on line

Mozilla Firefox users, please note that you need to set the default program to play the MIDI file, in Options/Applications  on your Computer

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