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Home Catholic Church Music Harmonized Hymns Beautiful angel My Guardian So Mild

Beautiful angel My Guardian So Mild

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Guardian Angel From Heaven So Bright
Watching beside me to lead me aright
Fold thy wings round me O guard me with love
Softly sing songs to me Of heav'n above

Beautiful angel My guardian so mild
Tenderly guide me For I am thy Child
Beautiful angel My guardian so mild
Tenderly guide me For I am thy Child

Angel so holy Whom God sends to me
Sinful and lowly My guardian to be
Wilt thou not cherish The child of thy care?
Let me not perish My trust is thy pray'r

Beautiful angel My guardian so mild
Tenderly guide me For I am thy Child
Beautiful angel My guardian so mild
Tenderly guide me For I am thy Child

Oh may I never forget thou art near
Keep thou me ever in love and in fear
Waking and sleeping In labor and rest
In thy sweet keeping My life shall be blest

Beautiful angel My guardian so mild
Tenderly guide me For I am thy Child
Beautiful angel My guardian so mild
Tenderly guide me For I am thy Child

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