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If you make my word your Home
You will surely be my disciples
You will then on learn the Truth
And the Truth will make you free.
1. Everyone who becomes a slave of sin
Has strayed away from God.
And the freedom of life inside my House
Comes to those who believe in me. ..(chorus)
2. Those who call on their God as their Father
Are children of their God.
When I tell you that I have come from God
Don't your hearts have some love for me? ...(chorus)
3. If the Truth never comes from the evil one
Who is father of all lies.
When my deeds tell the truth that I've come from God
Should you then not believe in me? ...(chorus)
4. Is there nobody here among you
Who can claim that I have sinned?
Since you say that you are the sons of God
Must you not, then believe in Me?..(chorus)
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