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Home Music Study Vocal Music and Sight Reading FAQ What is the point of learning music script?

What is the point of learning music script?

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The simplest form of communication is talking.  The words which we speak can be written and transmitted through various means.  Thus a written script converts the spoken word into a form, which can be understood with the help of the eye, which is not generally used to interpret spoken word, unless it is done with sign language.

A song too, is communicated through the ear.  It is easily registered and learnt and memorized.  But if the same song has to be communicated to someone who is beyond the reach of the ear, then we need to convert it to a script which can serve the purpose of conveying two factors involved in music.  These factors are pitch and duration, besides the words, which can be sent via the usual language script.  However, the language script can not convey, pitch and duration of the sound.   From the middle ages, serious attempts were made to devise such a method, which resulted in the music script.

In modern times, due to availability of recording instruments, one does not feel the need to use any script.   But is it not true, that this method, can only be used to send and receive music, which can then be heard and learnt.  The people who write music and songs, need something more.  If one has to add harmony and orchestration, the need becomes all the more acute.

Popular bands and musicians, depend on playing by ear, and use chord short forms, to store their music.  They use synthesizers, and other modern gadgets, which give a simulation of orchestration and harmony, and are acceptable for the ordinary user, who is not a critical musician.

This particular attitude has also filtered into Church choirs, which are a clone of the secular bands.  In the Church history, harmony and organ music came about because of the high regard and respect the musicians felt to the Sacred texts and the religious worship.  Due to secular influences, which have crept into the psyche of modern day Christians, they do not seem to value these ideals any more, and are more concerned with what pleases the ear, and that is why many a time, the music does not match the noble words they seem to want to convey.   

But there are many serious Christians to whom the religious worship means a lot, and they would like to give their best to their Creator who has blessed them with these gifts of music.  Such people should not be satisfied with the mediocre, and aim high, and achieve the glory of the past.

In order to do this, one needs to know how to write a musical composition, in a music script, which can then be shared with others.  One has seen that professional choirs in Vatican or Europe and USA, read their music from scores, as these countries have a tradition of teaching music at the school level, and it is treated as an art form, to be developed, if one has a talent for it.   In India, because of our traditional music, this form of education has not found its way into the school curriculum, and if one has to learn it, they have to take the trouble to learn it on their own, with the help of a teacher if needed.

My aim, is to make learning music within the reach of all who desire to learn it.   Since I myself learnt it this way, I feel quite confident that it is possible to do it.  With the help of the book I have placed at your disposal on the  Website.   I had formed a four voice choir, and the members had been reading the music from scores.  They were all, ordinary people.  I would hope some enterprising musicians, will first learn it and then impart it to their choir members and gradually, compose suitable pieces and use them for the spiritual worship, and portray the message of faith through a medium matching the grandeur of the message.

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