MP3 Listen
Novo Stella
Novo Stella (Mr. Albert Pinto) Playing: switch your speakers on
Composed for the occasion of my aunt Lucy Anna Pais's wedding
Novo Stella fankoron Kaliz mujere ugadlen Lucy Anna navun go thu jen Devan maka nirmilolen | With the rising new star My heart has opened Lucy Anna is your name Which was meant for me by God |
Chorus: Sopnanth muja, deklyari tuka Jeev mujo, abolyari jatha | As I see you, in my dreams dear I feel my life is floating amidst flowers |
Bhurgyach ponni mujaa moga Kaaliz mojem dilolem thuka Kednaanch vignraar thum zaainakaa Thuje vennem saunsaar makaa naaka | From the days of my youth my dear I had offered my heart to you Don't you ever be forgetf me my dear Without you, I never want this world |
Chorus: Sopnanth muja, deklyari tuka Jeev mujo, abolyari jatha | As I see you in my dreams dear I feel my life is floating amidst flowers |
Sangath moga zalo amcho
sukh ani sonthos re jivacho
kudinth athmo asachor amcho
mojan thuka visronk nozo
Dearest. as our friendship blossomed Our life turned into joyful bliss As long a soul lives within us I can not forget you.dear |
Chorus: Sopnanth muja, deklyari tuka Jeev mujo, abolyari jatha | As I see you in my dreams dear I feel my life is floating amidst flowers |
Lokache misther tum aykon
maka vosanaka-re sandun
mornache martir aylyar eavm (evm)
haum thuka vochanango sandun
Listening to the gossip of people Do not leave and forget me Unless I have to depart by death Till then dearest I shall not leave you. |
Chorus: Sopnanth muja, deklyari tuka Jeev mujo, abolyari jatha | As I see you in my dreams dear I feel my life is floating amidst flowers |
Lucy Anna Pais married Marian Salvadore Pais in the early 1900s. Thee for their sons became priests and two daughters became nuns. Her grand son became a Provincial of the Franciscans. Truly the composer saw the depth of their love for each other
Download PDF score with chords
Additional words kindly submitted by Mr. Maurice D'Mello.
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