Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Database Study Lesson 2 Project Recipes

Project Recipes

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List of recipes.

  • Recipe Region, Recipe source, Food Type,  (one to many relationship) one sub table, many recipe table.

Ingredients used.

  • Measures,  Ingredients  (one to many relationship.  One to sub table, many to ingredients used table.)
Enforce relationship in the Relationship Window, after the tables have been saved and closed.

List of Recipes

Fields:  ID,(Autonumber)  Recipe Name,(Text)  Recipe Region,(Lookup field)  Recipe Source,(Lookup field)  Food Type,(Lookup field)  Date entered, (Text, input mask) Source Particulars,(Text: 255 characters)  Method.  (Data-type: Memo)    The source particulars can not be part of the Source Table as it may change from recipe to recipe.  Thus we can not have one to many relationship.   Of these Recipe Region, Recipe Source and Food Types are Look Up lists, and should have separate tables.

Ingredients Used

Fields: ID, (Autonumber) Recipe Number,(this is to be linked in sub-form)  Quantity, (Text - you can type words as well as numbers)  Measure, (Lookup field)  Ingredient,(Look up field)  Description. -(Text 255 characters)

Of these, measures and ingredients are from separate tables.    Prepare subsidiary or look up field tables first, and enter data that  you may need.

Generally they should have one ID auto-number and field name, with text.   Regions can be areas you like to concentrate on.   Sources can be your cookery books, and internet, friends etc.  Food Types could be those you like to cook, like beef, mutton, pork, chicken, fish, vegetables etc, masalas, soups, and so on.

Measures  are usually, which you use, teacup , teaspoon, grammes, kilograms etc.

Ingredients could have one more field which is a look up field, but with "value list".   Values should be entered with in quotation marks, and separated with semicolons.  In the Look Up wizard this happens automatically.  Yo can see the finished data later.


First prepare the subsidiary tables:  Region Table, Source Table  and Food Type Table.            Measure Table,  Ingredients Table.

If you want Ingredients to be sorted out, as condiments, plant derivatives, animal derivatives and stable foods, you can make a value list:  while creating a Lookup field.     This will help you sort the ingredients if you sort, by the types.

Make a Form with a sub form for ingredients used.   Learn how to do this from the Lesson 2, Forms.

In the main Recipe form, view it in design more, and click on the subform icon and draw a rectable below the form.


Choose the Ingredients Used Table, in  which the Recipe ID should be a part, so that it can be linked.


Link the two tables, with the help of drop down boxes.


Click Finish.  

Now you can start entering your recipes.   Please note you have to update all your subsidiary tables, so that when you click the down arrow you will find the data you want to enter.  If it is not there, go back and enter that data in the subsidiary table, and then continue your work.   You may need to click Records/Refresh, to load the change.


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