Mangalorean Recipes

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Kaka Mai Gara Na

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Kaka Mai Ghara Na



Kaka mai ghara na - 2
Vole khakyeke ghevne kaka mai, Aikonk ghelia meese - 2

Bangde hadle theese, thanthle randhle veese 2
Thantle thode ghevn kaka mai, aikonk ghelia meese 2


Shivnthi hadlin theese, thanthli mallin veese - 2
Thanthli thodin ghevn kaka mai, aikonk ghelia meese - 2


Vodle dhuvek theese, dhakliake zali veese - 2
Dogan dhuvanke novre menchiake, bhetovke ghelia meese - 2


Music Traditional

Words provided by Mr. A. Britto, Bolar/Floriada

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