Mangalorean Recipes

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Thendle Tujo Bhel

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Thendle Tujo Bhel Ghe

Thendle thujo bhelge vankudo thinkdo gelolo - 2
Vankudo thinkdo gelolo mhoone, sonara kode dilolo - 2
Sonara bavdean sutha soma keololo - 2

Aiayayo Maiyayo - 8

Men: Tharvoti dongrarure, chandramu udela, - 2
Chandramacha saulek, channe zalkalan - 2

Ladies: Chandramacha uzvadaku, phule phulolam - 2
Phullelem phulem them, pormolik zalan, 2

Men Pormolik phulem then, novrian vinchillam - 2
Vinchullem phulle novrian, voklek maloilam - 2

Ladies Tharvoti dongrarure, chandramu udela, - 2
Chandramacha saulek, channe zalkalan - 2

Words contributed by Mr. A. Britto, Florida

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