Mangalorean Recipes

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Abolim Hanvu

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Tyaa disa bhaginth haum gelolim
Tainchim hadcheak don teen abolim
Tivim ghevun, ghara haum yetholim
Vaater eka cholean maagon ghethlim

Chorus: Aabolim haum sodam hadtholim
Tukaa ditolim,
Tumgher ghara konn asaa re fulam malltholim

2 Fulaam dithana dhukani raddlim
Maka mallunk zai munn haddlolim
Mothinth mojea urtaam evzaalim,
Thednam ankwaar haum aslolim


Aabolim haum sodam hadtholim
Tukaa ditolim,
Tumgher ghara konn asaa re fulam malltholim  2

Dhanyaa devaa lagin magtham
Moji kaklluth ker munnon atam
Kaazaarache atevite kaaddtham
Him mojim dhukaam haum ghallaetham


Aabolim haum sodam hadtholim
Tukaa ditolim,
Tumgher ghara konn asaa re fulam malltholim 2

Words were provided by Mr. Maurice D'Mello.

Download the Music,.  Click here
Download pdf score with chords


Crossandra infundibuliformis are tropical shrubs that often reach 2 foot or more in pot culture. They are often used as hedge plants in zone 10 in the U.S. They are native to southern India and Sri Lanka.

Blooming Time: Late Winter to Late Autumn. The tube-shaped blossoms are flattened into a 5-lobed disk.

Culture: Crossandra infundibuliformis need part shade to full sun. The compost should consist of equal parts of loam and peat moss with sand added for drainage. The compost should be kept moist but not overly wet. Fertilize weekly with a balanced fertilizer diluted to ½ the strength recommended from March to October. The temperature should never drop below 55 degrees or the leaves will turn black. While this doesn’t seem to harm the plant, it does make it unsightly. Trim the plants often to keep a desired form. Repotting should be done in February.

Propagation: Crossandra infundibuliformis are easily propagated by cuttings taken in March or by seed.



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