Mangalorean Recipes

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Attende Domine

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MP3 Listen to this beautiful hymn:  

Attende Domine et miserere 
Quia peccavimus tibi
Listen O Lord and be merciful
For we have sinned against you
Ad Te Rex Summe, omnium Redemptor
Occulos nostros sublevamus flentes
Exaudi Christe supplicantum preces
To you O Great King, Redeemer of all
We lift our tearful eyes
Hear O Christ, the prayers of the supplicants/

Dextera Patris, lapis angularis
Via salutis, ianua caelestis
Ablua nostra maculas delicti
The Right Hand of the Father, the Corner Stone
Way of Salvation, Gate of Heaven
Was our guilt and offences.

Rogamus Deus tuam maiestatem
Auribus sacris gemitus exaudi
Crimina nostra placidus indulge
We pray to your majesty O God
Hear us with your Holy Ears.
Patiently forgive all our criminal offences.

Tibi fatemur crimina admissa
Contrito corde pandimus occulta
Tua Redemptor pietas ignoscat
We admit all our sins
And lay them at your feet with contrite hearts.
Redeemer have mercy.

Innocens captus nrecrepugnans ductus
Testibus falsis pro impiis damnatus
Quos redemisti tu conserva Christe
An innocent captive led before the wicked
Condemned by false witnesses
Whom you redeemed, Christ save them.

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