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Home Food Information News Flash Onion prices On the Rise

Onion prices On the Rise

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Every year during winter, onion prices used to range between Rs5 to Rs10 per kg, but this time they are as high as Rs30 to Rs35 per kg.

Experts warn that prices may rise further if the state does not manage to get its usual share of onion production. A local onion dealer said, "The onion that is presently available is from Maharashtra. The stock of onion from Gujarat is likely to arrive within a span of 15 days."

The wholesale price of onion at Ahmedabad Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) is as high as Rs400 per 20 kg for the Saurashtra produce. The Maharashtra produce commands a price of Rs500 per 20 kg.
"Earlier on an average 30 trucks of 10 tonne onions each used to come from Nashik alone. But now hardly 20 trucks come with the produce from Nashik and other parts of Gujarat," said  a local wholesaler.

 It's not just the onion prices that have been affected by the unseasonal rains; there is an increase in the average prices of vegetables all across. Vegetables like capsicum, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, brinjal and bitter gourd have seen a sudden spurt in prices.

A  home-maker said, "There is hardly any vegetable that is less than Rs40 per kg making it a difficult task to manage the household budget."

In the span of a mere week, there has been a jump of more than 30% in prices. The vegetable vendors said that the unseasonal rains that hit Gujarat along with other states of the country have affected standing crops. Also, the produce that was ready for distribution was affected. As a result the crop could not be stored for a longer time.

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