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Maiden Mother, Meek and Mild
Maiden Mother, meek and mild,
Guard, O guard thy little child;
All my life, O let it be,
My best joy to think of thee.
When mine eyes are closed in sleep,
Through the night my slumbers keep;
Make my latest thought to be,
How to love thy Son and thee.
Maiden Mother, meek and mild,
Guard, O guard thy little child;
All my life, O let it be,
My best joy to think of thee.
Maiden Mother, meek and mild,
Guard, O guard thy little child;
All my life, O let it be,
My best joy to think of thee.
When mine eyes are closed in sleep,
Through the night my slumbers keep;
Make my latest thought to be,
How to love thy Son and thee.
Maiden Mother, meek and mild,
Guard, O guard thy little child;
All my life, O let it be,
My best joy to think of thee.
And oh, teach me through the day,
Oft to raise my heart and say,
Maiden Mother, meek and mild,
Guard, O guard thy little child.
Oft to raise my heart and say,
Maiden Mother, meek and mild,
Guard, O guard thy little child.
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