Words and Music by Walter Pais, based on St. Mathew Chapter 6, Verses 25-34
1 Look at the birds of the air
They don't sow, reap or store
The heavenly Father feeds them
So, why do we worry then?
O you of little faith
So, don't say, "What we'll eat?"
Nor, "What shall we drink?"
Our heavenly father knows.
2 Has He not made us too
Can we add one more day
Yet why then we worry so
The birds of the air don't sow.
3 Why worry what we wear
Why worry what we eat
See how the lillies grow
Yet they neither reap nor sow.
4 God clothes the grass of the field
They're here but still they dry
They're bundled and thrown in the fire
Then why worry what we wear?
Mathew: 6: 25-34
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