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Home Catholic Church Music Our Lady Mother of Christ - Perpetual Succor

Mother of Christ - Perpetual Succor

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harmonized by Mr. Rudy Martin

1. Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
What shall I ask of thee ?
I do not sigh for the wealth of earth,
For the joys that fade and flee;
But, Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
This do I long to see,
The bliss untold which thine arms enfold,
The Treasure upon thy knee.
2.  Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
He was all-in-all to thee—
In the winter’s cave, in Nazareth’s home,
In the hamlets of Galilee;
So, Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
He will not say nay to thee,
When He lifts His face to thy sweet embrace,
Speak to Him, Mother, of me.
3.  Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
What shall I do for thee ?
I will love thy Son, with the whole of my strength,
My only King shall He be;
Yes, Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
This will I do for thee,
Of all that are dear, or cherished here,
None shall be dear as He.


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