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Home Music Study Notation Exercises for Singers Hail Queen of Heaven - Natural Scale

Hail Queen of Heaven - Natural Scale

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Hail Queen of Heaven, is a common hymn, and you may be familiar with the tune.   It is such music, of which the tune is already known to you, that should be used to practice notation reading.

The piece is in 3/4 time.   The first bar has only one crochet.  Such a starting bar, is called the pick up note.   The last bar is generally compensated by this note, thus it will have only two crochets and one rest.

The music will be heard in the back ground, so please put your speakers on.

Try to read the note names and sing them with the hymn, rather than sing the words.   This constant use of the note names is intended to build the name association with their sounds.

The top line of the Kodaly stave gives the note names.

Open the pdf file for practice, by clicking this link: Hail Queen of Heaven

Refresh the PDF page, to play the music again.  Repeat it till you get it right.   First learn to read the names without singing, and later try to sing the note names, with the background music playing.

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