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An Appeal

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Mount Rosary Charitable Institutions.

From small beginnings, seventy five years ago, on June 27, this institution has grown and has served people without any discrimination, guided by the fact that they are in need of help.  Started by a holy priest, Fr. Francis D'Souza with the help of Dr. Kurien, as a Sanatorium, has developed into a place of shelter and medical help for those who have nowhere to go.  

Inspired with the words of Jesus Christ, this institution is now  headed by the Helpers of Mount Rosary with Monsignor Edwin C. Pinto, as its Administrative Head.

Monsignor Edwin C. Pinto

Visit the Website, to learn more about the work carried out in Alangar, Mudibidri, South Kanara and stretch your helping hand to uplift the Institution, so that with your help, the helpless people who are beyond your sight, can find new life.

After seventy five years, some of the buildings need renovation, and any financial help you might offer will be much appreciated.

You may telephone or send an email to Sister Prescilla D'mello   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   who takes day to day care of this insitution to be guided to the best way you can help them.   What you sow today, will reap abundant harvest for you and your children which you will see for yourself in this life.   The Needy wait for you.

Donation cheques may be sent in the following name-
Mount Rosary Charitable Institutions
0167 / S B / 01/004434
Corporation Bank, Alangar, Moodbidri- 574227, DK, South India.

If cheques are written and sent to us by post, by residents in India, then write the cheques in the name of “Mount Rosary Charitable Institutions”, c/o Sr. Prescilla D’Mello, Administrator, Mount Rosary, Alangar Moodbidri -574227 D.K, South India.

Read More:

1. Mount Rosary Charitable Institution

2. The Apostolate

3. The Health Project

4. The Agriculture Project

5. Fr. Edwin Pinto, the Founder

6. The Hospital Project

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