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Home Food for Thought Spiritual Mount Rosary Apostolate

Mount Rosary Apostolate

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The Apostolate:


Christ King Convent , Manela

Location of Manela

Manela is in Poonacha village, via Vittal in the taluk of Bantwal. From Bantwal you travel by road, south towards  Kasargod and when you come to Perialthadka 20 kilometer south of Bantwal , you come to Manela

Situation :

Manela is a backward area educationally, economically in the field of health and even in agriculture. But village families of all denomination live in peace and harmony. It is an area of hills and dales and areca cultivation is very much predominant. It is mingled with coconut and banana cultivation , Of late , Jasmine cultivation is a good side income to village women of Manela.

The Problem and Situation;

Manela parish had no women leadership for manila parish activities as well as motivators for children's Education especially in the age of 4 and 5 years . If motivation was put in the small children minds, they and their parents would go for further formal education . The parish people needed  trainers in fine arts like liturgical music and singing.  The women needed agriculture and Floriculture   Trainers , who would make village women of all communities , get into horticulture and gain for the family up keep additional income.

For the Christ King Convent, Manela, the Parish Priest brought for the sisters  2 ½ acres of Agriculture land two years ago with the purpose of building a Sisters Convent for starting a Nursery School and gradually establish health and Medicare facilities. Four sister are presently staying in Manela.    All the sisters are engaged in pastoral work of Manela Church, which includes organizing good liturgical and prayer service in the church and in the vados. It includes training in church music and one sister is engaged in the work , making the festive celebrations joyful and vibrant. Two more sisters are engaged in Nursery Classes for small children of all communities. Beside Manela Convent has a well trained Agriculture worker sister who is an expert in Areca, Coconut, Banana Cultivation as well as in floriculture.


People seeing and appreciating the committed work of Sisters, Helpers of Mount Rosary are getting invitation to open their convents in Four more villages of Dakshina Kannada. But we have to have material support  both to acquire needed land and build the convents and resources to do agriculture for the maintenance of the sisters. We have still to build the sisters personnel both trained in holiness and spirituality and also with village uplift vision and commitment.

Convent of Immaculate Heart of Nakre, Karkala

Location of Nakre :

From Moodbidri you travel 25 kilometer East by bus and you reach Karkala. From Karkala you could take an auto or taxi to go North West, traveling 8 kilometer and you arrive in Nakre.


Nakre Village has a Village Church and is full of small and marginal agricultural families doing areca and coconut cultivation. The families are spread in rural area of 20-25 square km. full of granite rocks and stones and with scarcity of water especially for irrigation. Through there is a village school and a health center, for better education family, the children and people daily go to Karkala.

The Problem and Solution:

Nakre Church needed inspired motivators to better the pastoral services and show the value of education to people and children. They needed the study of Music and art. They needed to appreciate and adopt natural agriculture methods to better their agriculture yield in horticulture and floriculture. They were desirous of securing First Aid and Primary Health facilities in urgent cases of sickness and tropical diseases.

Convent of Immaculate Heart of Mary , Nakre:

Four sisters , Helpers of recent Rosary are living in a temporary house given for use for the time being. One sister teaches Church music as well as music theory to children and parents. Another teaches Art and tailoring. And Another is an Agriculturist and a village Social Worker. We have a senior sister in the convent community taking care of health needs of sick people and she with her long experience at Mount Rosary Hospital is able to teach health issues to learners. Thus the work of the sisters reaches people of all demonstration.


The sisters have acquired a 2 acre plot. Just near the Nakre Church but is rocky and with scant water. The plot has to be levelled better water source tapped and a convent for sisters and a dispensary has to be built with necessary infrastructure in the future to come.

Mount Rosary Nellikar School Project


Location of Nellikar


Nellikar is about 30 kilometers to the east of Moodbidri Alangar. From Moodbidri you go by bus to Shirthady a distance of 10 kilometers. Then you proceed to the east for another 15 kilometers and reach Hosmar . From there you travel 5 kilometers to the north and you reach Nellikar.


Nellikar village is most backward in the region of our district and the mission has no facilities for improvement except a church and a village church school. People are agricultural labourers and small farmers. Hence only through labour work and agriculture work, people's livelihood is secured. The families of Nellikar villages are spread in an area of 20-25 square kilometers. It is a forest area, full of hills and dales. In between there are rivulets without bridges and in the rainy season the families are marooned and hence cannot travel and come out of their family and work places. Therefore children also cannot come to school, especially when there are heavy rains and the rivulets are flooded. Even when there are no rains the situation of the children looking forward for education is very problematic. To come to the church school, the children have to walk over six to ten kilometers in the morning and walk back home the same distance after school.  The process is exhausting for the small children and they have no time and strength for self study.

The problem and solution:

This project is concerned about the children’s good, their welfare and education. With malnutrition, the children have not grown healthy. Malnutrition is due to families being very poor and economically backward . The studies of the children in the school is not with good result, when the children daily walk long distances from their home in the morning, they are already fatigued. When they return in the evening back to their home, again they are tired. The children have no time to study and revise. Therefore the present situation has not been conductive for children’s education. Some children have even remained illiterate. The future of the child is questionable. Therefore a home for the children is not only helpful and useful but is also necessary in the given circumstance.

Nellikar School Children Home Project:

Sisters, Helpers of Mount Rosary have been working in the Nellikar Mission from the last 9 years. They work among the poorest village farmers by visiting them, understanding the situation and discussing the best possible solution. The families are very much concerned about the education of their children, and they themselves asked for a children home project. Initially around 30 children were to accommodated in the children home and later on more, as the need arose and this facility was to be for children who were in the very far corners of Nellikar Villages and get marooned because of heavy rains and floods and these were selected with priority for admission in the home. The school classes were very week from Monday till Saturday noon. During that period, the children will stay in the children home. On Saturday noon when the school closes for the weekend, they would go home for Saturday and Sunday and come to school on Monday. Hence linkage with the parents and the other members of the family, which was now needed for the children’s growth, was also taken care of by the three sisters , helpers of Mount Rosary have been in-charge of the children’s home, not only for children stay but also for food, cleanliness as well as for their spiritual duties and studies.

Needs of the Project:

The project needed a home for the children a house for the stay of boys and girls of the age between 5 to 15 years. It consists of two large rooms 25 feet x 15 feet with a kitchen, store room, toilet and two rooms to keep the clothing etc. of the children. The two large rooms take care of the study place, and the sleeping place of the children, separate for boys and girls. So it is multipurpose large room for living and activities of the children. The home has kitchen and storage facilities as well with bath and toilet facilities. Two sisters live with the children in a separate room. Regarding the food costs and maintenance of the children in the boarding, the parents contribute rice and vegetables for their children and we too on our part solicit charities from well wishers for the maintenance of the children in the boarding as they are poor and backward.


We requested people of goodwill to help us realize this project at a cost of Rs.8,00,000/- approximate . People from Mangalore helped us to realize the Nellikar children house Project. Now we request small donation from the well wishers for the food and maintenance of the children. One child per month would need Rs. 1,600/- out of which the parents of the children would contribute half with rice and vegetable donations. Hence we need Rs.500/- per child per month and therefore for ten months of the year, a child would need a financial help of Rs.5,000/- for 30 children for one year the cost would be RS.1,50,000/-. We remain grateful to the donors on behalf of the beneficiary children of Nellikar.

Note : All donations and payments can be made by cheque or draft, drawn on S.B A/c no 9106 of Helpers Of Mount Rosary , C/o Corporation Bank Alangar, Moodbidri 574227, D.K . South India.
The Address of the Administrator is:

Sr Prescilla D'mello
Mount Rosary , Alangar , Moodbidri 574227
D.K. , South India.

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