Mangalorean Recipes

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Rice Papad

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250 gm rice
1/2 tsp asafoetida
2 small lime - raw
salt to taste
4 tbsp oil

Take about a litre of water and bring it to a boil. Now add the rice and cook for five minutes.Drain water from rice completely. Pour this hot rice on absorbent towels. Spread and let dry.

Heat a tbsp of oil in a thick skillet. Add a fistful of rice at a time to this hot oil and stir continuously. The rice will starts to puff up.
When all the rice starts to puff, remove from skillet onto a tray. Repeat.

Let this rice cool and then make into a very fine powder. Sift once or twice to see that it is very fine uniformly.

Mix the asafoetida, lime juice and salt in 1/4 cup of water.

Pass through a strainer so that only the liquid is retained. Make a well in the center of the rice flour and pour the liquid and mix well.

Now, oil your palms and knead for about half an hour. Use up all the oil.

Divide the dough into super sized olives and roll into thin papads.

Dry in the sun and store. Deep fry in hot oil, to serve.

Delicious Rice Papadum is ready. Eat it as a snack or with rice.

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