Mangalorean Recipes

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Custard Caramel

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
2 Nos Egg Whites To Make Custard
1 Nos Egg Yolks To Make Custard
A Little Lemon Juice To Make Custard
425 Ml. Milk To Make Custard
2 Tablespoon Sugar To Make Custard
3 Tablespoon Sugar To make Caramel
A Little Vanilla Essence To Make Custard
1 1/2 Teacup Water To Make Custard
6 Tablespoon Water To make Caramel


1. Take a small sauce pan, and pour three tablespoons of water and three tablespoons of sugar, and stir it on a low flame over the stove. When the sugar is dissolved, increase the flame and bring the water to a boil without stirring. Occasionally lift the pan and shake it gently, to avoid sticking to the pan. When the syrup turns golden yellow, quickly pour it in four pudding molds or cups that can be put in the pressure cooker for steaming. Gently turn the molds with the syrup, so that it coats the in-sides. Coat the part of the mold, that has not been painted by the caramel, with butter.

2. The preparation of the custard is as follows;

Beat the yolks, then the whites, add sugar and beat well adding the essence as well to the eggs. Heat the milk, in the same saucepan used to make the caramel. As the milk heats, pour the beaten egg mixture over it and stir all the time. When the milk and egg mixture has been cooked, top it int the caramel coated molds. Cover the molds/cups with double grease proof pager and place it in a pressure cooker, with sufficient water, and pressure cook for three to four minutes.

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