Mangalorean Recipes

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A sincere thanks for visiting this website

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Food is one thing every human being needs, and every culture and civilization, has created ways of feeding themselves.  

Simple people have been satisfied with minimum requirements, and their simplicity has preserved them in good health.

The wealthier a class of people are, they need to show through their creations their need to express their difference from the other people, and come out with fanciful creations, often loaded with calorie guzzling recipes, which could lead to unhealthy situations, if not used prudently.

Thus in their choice, everyone needs to protect their own selves and their families from unnecessary medical complications, and potential dangers to their health and that of others.

In my attempt to offer recipes from our own collection and those of our friends, I hope I have provided a valuable service which will be appreciated by you the per user of this website.   I thank you sincerely, for visiting this website.

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