Quantity | Measure Number | Ingredients Number | Description: |
1 | Nos. | Kandi | Tender stem of banana tree |
1 | Medium | Onion | sliced and cooked |
3 | 25 g | Chillies Green | sliced vertically |
1 | Tablespoon | Cooking Oil | For cooking |
1/2 | Nos. | Coconut scraped (fresh) | Add to dish |
1/2 | Teaspoon | Salt | For taste |
"Kandi" is the innermost tender part of the banana tree trunk which is used, after the tree bears it fruits to full term. Remove the top and bottom of the trunk, and slice it vertically, and remove the inner cylindrical white part, which is called the 'kandi'. Remove all fibres, and cut the kandi into small cubes, and put it in the water, to prevent oxidization.
Cook it in a vessel, with one sliced onion, 3 green chillies slit lengthwise, and a little cooking oil. When well cooked, add half a scraped coconut and a little salt, and simmer.
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