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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Pickles Minced Mango Pickle

Minced Mango Pickle

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
12 units Mango fleshy and large.
4 Teacup Salt powdered salt
200 Grammes Garlic minced masala
200 Grammes Ginger minced masala
100 Grammes Chillies Green minced masala
2 Teacup Salt Boiled in 4 cups of water
Half Bottle Vinegar  
100 Grammes Chillies Red Dry dry and powder
A Little Turmeric/Haldi dry and powder
Half Tablespoon Mustard Seed dry and powder
Half Tablespoon Asafetida (Hing) dry and powder
Half Bottle Sweet Oil for tempering
A Few Curry Leaves cut in bits - for tempering
1 Teaspoon Mustard Seed for tempering


1.  Remove a thin layer of the skin.  Then make thick slices of the mango, touching the seed.
2.  From these slices, make very small cubes of mince.
3.  Make 2 cups of powdered salt, and rub it into the minced mango pieces.
4.  Place the pieces in a wooden vessel, with a lid, and a heavy weight for pressure.
5.  Next day, remove the minced pieces from the brine, squeeze all water, and keep aside, for drying.
6.  Make a minced  masala from, garlic, ginger and green chillies. 
7.  Boil 2 cups of salt, in 4 cups of water.   Boil for half an hour, till salt crystals begin to form.
8.  Add the vinegar to the boiling salt water.

Powder Masala:

Powder red chillies, turmeric ad mustard seeds with asafetida - hing.

10. Add the powdered masala to the vinegar and salt solution.  When cool, add the mango pieces.

11 Temper with sweet oil bits of curry leaves and mustard.   Put this into the pickle.  When cool, bottle the pickle.

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