Mangalorean Recipes

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Walter's Dalicho Saar 2

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
0.5 Ball Tamarind Extract juice
1 Teaspoon Chilly Powder, Red Add to tamarind pulp
1 Salt-Spoon Turmeric Powder Add to tamarind pulp
1 Teacup Dhal, Masoor Clean and wash
1 Medium Onion Since the onions
4 Flakes/Cloves Garlic (Lason, Losun) Mince finely
0.5 Inch Ginger (Adhrak) Mince finely
4 Medium Chillies Green Mince finely
4 Medium Carrots (Gajar) Cut in cubes
2 Nos. Tomatoes Cut in cubes
4 Medium Potatoes Cut in cubes
2 Tablespoon Cooking Oil  
1 Salt-Spoon Salt  


In a half tea cup of water, soak the tamarind for ten to fifteen minutes, and when it gets soft, extract all the pulp, Smash the pulp thoroughly, removing any sees and fibers.    Add to it the curry powders, and form a paste.

Clean and wash the dhal and keep them separated, in water.

Slice one onion, and keep it in a saucer.  
Mince the ingredients to be minced, and keep them in second saucer together.  
Cut the carrots and potatoes in small cubes, after paring the skins. and keep them in a third  saucer.

In a dekchi, put the oil, and heat it, then first fry the onions till they turn brown, then the minced masala till they change color    Then put the tamarind pulp mixed with the curry powders, and stir.   Pick the potatoes and carrots, with a spoon and put them in the frying mixture, and stir  fry.   Then in the same way, take the dhal with a spoon, removing the water at the same time, and put in the frying mixture,   Continue frying till they change colour.     Put the salt to taste.    You can put less, but don't put more.  You can always increase later, but can not do vice versa.    Put some water in the vessel in which the tamarind pulp was made and wash this into the vessel where there may be some dhal left.   Remove the old water, and put this masala water in it and stir the vessel, and drop it into the curry vessel and boil.

As the water gets absorbed, add a little more water, and stir so that the ingredients won't stick to the bottom of the vessel.  Continue till the dhals are cooked.   In the end, there should be some gravy in the dhal.    Taste the curry, to see of the potatoes and carrots have been properly cooked, and if not, put a little more water and continue till well done.   If you need salt or sour, add some salt and tamarind juice.

Always keep a saucer, in which you can pour a spoonful and taste.- This will develop an experience of sensing and quantifying tastes, which are very subjective.

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