Mangalorean Recipes

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Steak Diane

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
1 Kilogram Beef  
2 Tablespoon Brandy  
15 Grammes Butter  
50 Grammes Butter  
0.5 Teacup Condensed Milk  
6 Flakes/Seeds/Cloves Garlic  
2 Bunch Onion Leeks-Spring Onions  
2 Tablespoon Parsley  
0.5 Teaspoon Pepper Powder  
2 Salt-Spoon Salt  
3 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce  


Trim meat of excess fat and sinew.  Make about 8 flat slices, and flatten the steaks to an even thickness.   Nick edges to prevent curling.   Sprinkle each steak with pepper, Worcestershire sauce, salt to taste.

Heat butter in a pan.  Add steaks, cook over high heat for two minutes, each side, to seal.  Turning once for a rare result.   Cook for more each side for medium and well done results.   Reduce heat to medium.   Cook two to three minutes for medium and four to six minutes for each side, for well done.  Remove steak from the pan and keep aside in a plate.

Heat extra butter in the same pan, add chopped onions and garlic and cook for two to three minutes.  Then add Worcestershire sauce and brandy.  Stir to dislodge crusty from the batter of pan.  Add cream, stir, simmer for four to five minutes.   Return steak to the pan with parsley and heat through.

Serve hot with fresh fried potatoes, grill mushroom vegetables, rolls.

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