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Home Other Regions American/British Tomato Ginger Jam

Tomato Ginger Jam

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
2500 Grams Tomatoes  
1, 1/2 Teacup Sugar, Granulated  
1, 1/2 Teacup Lime Juice Freshly prepared
1/3 Teacup Garlic (Lason, Losun) finely chopped
1/3 Teacup Ginger (Adhrak) finely chopped
1/2 Teaspoon Salt  


This brilliant jam is fabulous with roast meats, grilled fish or with Indian 'pappadam' crackers.

1. Peel, de-seed and dice tomatoes into 1/2-inch pieces. Place in heavy enamel or stainless steel pan. - with all ingredients.
      (Aluminum pans will react with the acidity in this dish.)
   2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low heat. This will need to cook for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Stir occasionally at first, then check more frequently at end of cooking time to prevent scorching on bottom of pan. Add a little water, if it turns dry, and when jam is thick and shiny, and volume is about 4 cups, it is done. Let cool in shallow pan.
   3. Keep refrigerated. Let it come to room temperature, or warm slightly to serve.

Makes about 4 cups.

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