Mangalorean Recipes

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Chicken Stuffed

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
2 Medium Carrots Boil and chop
5 Nos Cashew Nuts chopped to mix
1 Large Chicken For stuffing
3 Medium Chillies, Green Finely chopped
3 Tablespoon Cooking Oil  
1 Tablespoon Coriander Leaves (Kothmeer) chopped to mix
Half Teacup French beans Boil and chop
8 Flakes Garlic Finely chopped
1 Inch Ginger Finely chopped
Half Teacup Green Peas Boil and chop
2 Tablespoon Lime Juice to mix
1 Twigs/Sprigs Mint Leaves (Pudina) to mix
2 Medium Onions Finely chopped
2 Medium Potatoes Boil and chop
1 Big Tomatoes Stuffing ingredient


Clean the chicken from inside and outside, wash it and then marinate it in salt for about half an hour.

Boil carrots, potatoes, French beans and green peas and drain and keep aside. Cut these into small cubes.

Prepare garlic, ginger and green chilly paste

Dice onions in fine cubes, and fry them in hot cooking oil.    Add to it  the ginger-garlic-chilly paste till well done.   Dice tomatoes in small cubes and fry,  with mint leaves and the boiled vegetables fry for some time.    Add lime  juice, salt, pepper, and fry for a few minutes.   Taste and add what is lacking.

Remove it  from the stove and let it cool

Slit open the belly of the chicken and stuff it with the above and then stitch. the opening so that the contents do not come out.  Heat 1 tbsp. of ghee and fry the chicken. till it become brown.   Add some boiling water and cook  till it is done.

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