Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Catholic Church Music St. Cecilia's Hymnal My Lips Speak of your Justice

My Lips Speak of your Justice

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My Lips Speak of your Justice



        My lips speak of your justice 
        And day by day of your help 
        O Lord you have taught me from my youth 
        And I proclaim your wonders still. 


1. In you O Lord I seek refuge
Let me not be put to shame
May your justice prevail
Pay heed to me and save me....(chorus)


2.You are my rock on which I stand
Deep down in the mighty sea
With you I shall be safe
Sheltered from those who harm me....(chorus)


3. It is you Lord, who are my hope
You’re my guardian since my youth
You knew me from my birth
Right from the start you helped me....(chorus)


4.  As for me always I shall stand
I shall praise you more and more
You have taught me your truth
To you I sing this love song....(chorus)

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