MP3 Listen
My Lips Speak of your Justice
My lips speak of your justice
And day by day of your help
O Lord you have taught me from my youth
And I proclaim your wonders still.
2.You are my rock on which I stand Deep down in the mighty sea With you I shall be safe Sheltered from those who harm me....(chorus)
3. It is you Lord, who are my hope You’re my guardian since my youth You knew me from my birth Right from the start you helped me....(chorus)
4. As for me always I shall stand I shall praise you more and more You have taught me your truth To you I sing this love song....(chorus)
To download this music click on the word download, with right mouse click, and choose in IE "Save Target As" In Foxpro, use "Save Link As" and file the MIDI file in a folder and play it on the System Device.
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