O Lord you are good and forgiving
O lord you are good and forgiving
Full of love to all who call
Give heed O Lord to my prayer
And attend to the sound of my voice
1. All the nations will come to adore you
And glorify your name O Lord
For you do marvelous deeds
And you alone are God. ...(chorus)
2. You are God of love and compassion,
And slow to anger, O Lord.
Abounding in love and truth,
And full of merciful love. ...(chorus)
3. All creatures shall look for your guidance
You'll brighten their paths in due time
You'll open your gracious hands
While granting wonderful gifts.... (chorus)
To download this music click on the word download, with right mouse click, and choose in IE "Save Target As" In Foxpro use "Save Link As" and store the MlDI file in a folder and play it on the System device
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