Mangalorean Recipes

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Come, Come to the Manger

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Come, come, come to the manger,
Children, come, to the children’s King;
Sing, sing, chorus of angels,
Stars of morning, o’er Bethlehem sing!

He lies ’mid the beasts of the stall,
Who is Maker and Lord of us all,
The wintry wind blows cold and dreary,
See, He weeps, the world is weary;
Lord, have pity and mercy on me!


He leaves all His glory behind,
To be born and to die for mankind;
With grateful beasts His cradle chooses,
Thankless man His love refuses;
Lord, have pity and mercy on me!


To the manger of Bethlehem come,
To the Savior Emmanuel’s home;
The heav’nly hosts above are singing,
Set the Christmas bells a-ringing,
Lord, have pity and mercy on me!


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