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Home Food for Thought Spiritual Pope Alexander VI

Pope Alexander VI

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Long ago Leo the Great (440-461) declared, in his third homily for Christmas Day, that "the dignity of Peter suffers no diminution even in an unworthy successor" (cujus dignitas etiam in indigno haerede non deficit). The very indignation that the evil life of a great ecclesiastic rouses at all times (nobly expressed by Pius II in the above-mentioned letter to Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia) is itself a tribute to the high spiritual ideal which for so long and on so broad a scale the Church has presented to the world in so many holy examples, and has therefore accustomed the latter to demand from priests. "The latter are forgiven nothing", says De Maistre in his great work, "Du Pape", "because everything is expected from them, wherefore the vices lightly passed over in a Louis XIV become most offensive and scandalous in an Alexander VI" (II, c. xiv).

On the other hand, while immoral writers have made only too much capital out of the salacious paragraphs scattered through Burchard and Infessura, there is no more reason now than in the days of Raynaldus and Mansi for concealing or perverting the facts of history. "I am a Catholic", says M. de l'Epinois (loc. cit.), "and a disciple of the God who hath a horror of lies. I seek the truth, all the truth, and nothing but the truth Although our weak eyes do not see at once the uses of it, or rather see damage and peril, we must proclaim it fearlessly." The same good principle is set forth by Leo XIII in his Letter of 8 September, 1889, to Cardinals De Luca, Pitra, and Hergenröther on the study of Church History: "The historian of the Church has the duty to dissimulate none of the trials that the Church has had to suffer from the faults of her children, and even at times from those of her own ministers." 

Alexander VI, became the football to anti clericals, and Victor Hugo and others who permitted themselves all licence in dealing with a name so helpless and detested.

What is happening in the 21st century is not very different.  In those days, there was no television and internet.   Today, the mass media, can spread a lie, very fast, and there are enough gullible persons who can spread it.   Jesus said of Satan, that he was the father of lies.   Through the  secular education, and agnostic attitudes, the modern reader, can throw the baby with the bath.

Alexander VI is same as the pedophile priests, who through the Hippie Revolution, grew in a social enviorment which made it easy for them to fall  prey to their own weaknesses, and forty and fifty years later, there are enough lawyers, who actively promote cases, against the dioceses, who are well padded with cash,.  They do not go after other institutions or individuals, as they will not get the 33% cut from the settlement.   Now the US dioceses have declared insolvency, so they target now the Vatican.   After the fall of the Financial Empire, where they must have invested heavily the cash they received from the settlements, they must be sorely missing the filthy lucre.  The 7 year old is now forty years older, and can easily be enticed by these lawyers.  

Did you know that Jeffery Lena * is the new lawyer for the pope in the US and has been receiving threatening emails?   This in a country which prides over its freedom of speech.   Unltimately Truth prevals.   Historians have dug deep the history and found new facts and have thrown new light on the life and times of Alexander VI and his enemies.    So too, in 200 years hence, we will know who are behind this hyperactive Press and Media.   They always leave a trail.   One indicated is to collect the names of these lawyers, and analyze to their ancestry and their interes\t in this subject, which may be a continuation of the battle Jesus had with Anas and Caiphas.  They too did not dirty their hands, with the blood of Christ.  They blackmailed Potius Pilate and he did the job.   Does this look familiar in the 21st century too?   

For full article on Alexander Vi read here

Jeffery Lena:

"Still, the 51-year-old former history professor avoids the limelight. He declined to be photographed for this profile, citing security and privacy concerns for his wife and son. He says he has received threats because of his advocacy for the Holy See and has moved his three-person law office to an undisclosed location in Berkeley. "  Associated Press, April 17, 2010

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