Melody: John Weber - Accompaniment: Rudy Martin
1. O let the Son of God enfold you,
With His Spirit and His Love,
Let Him fill your heart and sa-tis-fy your soul.
O let Him have the things that hold you,
And His Spirit like a dove,
Will de-scend up-on your life and make it whole.
Ch: Je-sus, we th-ank You for your word of tr-u-th.
Je-sus, we th-ank You for the bread of life.
2. O come and sing this song with glad-ness,
As your hearts are filled with Joy,
Lift your hands in brave sur-ren-der to His name.
O give Him all your tears and sad-ness,
Give Him all your years of pain,
And you'll en-ter in-to life in Je-sus' name.
Note: The dash between the syllabus of a word may indicate a different note for each or of a word, a slur.
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