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Home Glossary Plant Derivatives Moong - Green Gram

Moong - Green Gram

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These small olive green beans have a good flavor and a very high vitamin content. Widely cultivated in India, they are used in various forms such as whole moong, bean sprouts and most popularly as moong dal (split moong skinless or with skins).


Mung bean, also known as mung dal, green gram, golden gram, and green soy, is the seed of Vigna radiata which is native to India. The beans are small, ovoid in shape, and green in color. The English word "mung" derives from the Hindi mung. In the Philippines, it is called munggo or monggo.

The mung bean is one of many species recently moved from the genus Phaseolus to Vigna and is still often seen cited as Phaseolus aureus or Phaseolus radiatus. These are all the same plant.


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