Mangalorean Recipes

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
3 Large Brinjals - black shiny Cook on flame or in oven
3 Tablespoon Thahina  
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil  
2 Tablespoon Lime Juice  
3 Flakes/Seeds/Cloves Garlic smashed
1 Teaspoon Salt for taste
3 Medium Chillies Green Remove stem and crush int a paste


Make 2 or 3 slits in each brinjal and cook over charcoal, under a hot grill or in an oven until the skins are black and the flesh feels soft when poked with a finger. When cool enough to handle, peel the aubergines, scraping off and reserving any flesh that comes away with the skin. Put the flesh in a large bowl and mash with a fork.

Add the garlic and salt and continue to mash or pound the mixture until it is reduced to a pulp.
Add the tahina paste, lemon juice and chilli paste and stir thoroughly. Spoon the mixture on to a large plate, smooth it over with the back of a spoon and sprinkle with the cumin. Dribble the olive oil over the top and garnish with the chopped coriander leaves or parsley and black olives.

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